Kris Kristofferson

This video retrospective played at a gala for the Autry National Center honoring Kris Kristofferson with their Spirit of the West Award. Which means it was viewed by KK himself. Alas, still waiting for him to call me about cutting his latest music video. 

Pratt & Larson

Recently, I edited a video tour of Pratt & Larson Ceramics, a company that's been making tiles in Portland for 30 years. You can see it on their website here or below. 

It Came From Your Pocket

This is an old school project for a web design "capstone" class. The point of a capstone was for students to include some community service with their learning. Frankly, I didn't learn much anything about web design, but I did have fun making this video about food safety for a nonprofit's website that never launched. 

Floral Journey

This is an artist bio of Glenda McKay for an exhibit of her work at the Gene Autry National Center.

For funsies

These are a few of my personal projects.

The Take

This is a short I wrote, directed, and edited for a contest sponsored by Comcast as part of the gone-but-not-forgotten Longbaugh Film Festival. Our film was the runner-up, which I think is supposed to sound more prestigious than second place.


This video is a personal project, conceived and created with my partner, Christian Dolan, shot by Dan Morris, and featuring the professionally handsome and hilarious Spencer Conway. Christian directed, I edited. This was a lot of fun, and we hope to do more in the not-too-distant future. 

I, Santa

Originally, this was edited to Vince Guaraldi's, Happiness Is. It only showed once in that form, for obvious reasons. Our friend Rob Weston generously wrote us a lovely piece of music, sometimes an editor falls in love with music she just can't have. Feel free to cue it up on your own, à la Dark Side of the Moon/Wizard of Oz.

The Dearly Departed Longbaugh Film Festival

This video is near and dear to my heart, but was part of a bittersweet experience. I was asked to create a promo for the Longbaugh Film Festival, and was so flattered and excited! I had a blast writing, directing, and editing the piece, and I was thrilled with the outcome. Unfortunately, the duplication service for the festival thought the dark lighting was a mistake and tried to color correct the video. The ruined version played before every screening of the festival that year. Thankfully, my name wasn’t on it then, but I’m proud to share it now!


I love working on comedy. What's better than being paid to laugh all day? I was the assistant editor on season one of the IFC show Portlandia. It was a really fun job, and I got to learn from a couple of very funny, very talented editors. I hoped to go back and do it again, but, alas, they've done post-production in L.A. for subsequent seasons. I cut the gag reel for the wrap party, and here it is, one of my all-time favorite projects.

Demo Reel Demolition

I think of myself as a storyteller, and I've come to the realization that I can't just slice and dice some of my work into a single piece and convey anything about my strengths as an editor. So I've done away with my demo reel page, and will instead put my editing projects here. Without further ado, here is my newly retired demo reel.